Recommended ADSL Speeds?
The maximum download speed reachable by ADSL 2+ is dependant on the distance the end user’s modem is located from the DSLAM.
25.0 Mbit/s @ 0.3 Km
24.0 Mbit/s @ 0.6 Km
23.0 Mbit/s @ 0.9 Km
22.0 Mbit/s @ 1.2 Km
21.0 Mbit/s @ 1.5 Km1
9.0 Mbit/s @ 1.8 Km
16.0 Mbit/s @ 2.1 Km
8.0 Mbit/s @ 3,0 Km
3.0 Mbit/s @ 4.5 Km
1.5 Mbit/s @ 5.2 Km
If you are located any further then 5.5 Km from a DSLAM your ISP should not be selling a service, (BUT THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS)
Real download speeds are based on cable size, from the Exchange to the end users premises.
A distance of 9.0 Km with a cable size made up of different cable gauge e.g. 80% @ 0.90 10% @ 0.64 and 10% @0.40, you could expect to see speed between 4.0 Meg to 8.0 Meg, but it is only found in Rural/outlying Metro areas of Australia. This is because the signal to travel a lot of further distances and therefore require a larger surface area to achieve this. In all Metropolitan areas, the majority of the cable gauge is only 0.40 and you couldn’t achieve the same results over distance.